Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zibi Dancing

The children of St. Mary's are just wonderful! They continue to show us love and bring us joy. Today was no exception. We are coming to a close of this week and today the school had a school assembly to thank us and say goodbye as a school. We saw the many talents of the children, singing, dancing, reciting poetry and doing drama. These kids have been blessed with gifts. Throughout this journey we have seen the smiles, felt the hugs, love and joy in the children. It's going to be very hard tomorrow to say goodbye. 

Later in the day the children had another assembly. The assembly focused on the zibi bin. It is a green trash can that is found on nearly every corner. We have seen South Africa really focus on recycling and being ecofriendly. The presentation focused on the importance of not littering and how the children can help their community and world by putting their garbage in the zibi bin. 

The presentation was right at the children's level. The mascot of the zibi bin, an ostrich, came on stage and entertained the children. They continued to review how to be ecofriendly by reducing, reusing, recycling. These 3 r's are important for them to remember and the children had an opportunity to show how much they learned. 

The presenters asked questions to the children and selected children to answer. They were rewarded with small prizes! They had tons of fun! 

The presentation also had a child friendly song, with a dance, that helped the children remember the theme of the presentation. Some children also had a chance to dance to the song on stage!

It didn't take long for the presenters to notice our group in the back and soon enough we were on stage! Sister John Marie even joined us! Well she actually didn't have much of an option when a teacher pulls you to the stage. The children had such a great time seeing us dance on stage. We may not have done a great job but we received praise from the children so it was worth it! 

Today we also had a lunch prepared for the teachers! We wanted to show how much we appreciated the welcome and willingness for us to be in their classrooms. 

The teachers loved the lunch! They did not expect it and continued to thank us for coming to their school. We have developed many relationships with the teachers and hope to maintain a connection with them. Perhaps they may join us back home one day! 

While tomorrow, Friday, may be our last day with the children, today was Sister John Marie's last day. Tomorrow she will be going to a different school to join the oblete sisters. The children and teachers presented her with a gift! 

Here she is showing her giraffe keychain. Sister will have many memories of the school especially dancing on stage! 

After school we also held a meeting to give the teachers and the principal the iPads we were able to purchase. Again, thank you to those who supported our cause. We would have never been able to meet our goal without your help! Thank you again! 

Sister John Marie, Dr. Rance-Roney and Miss M helped the teachers with the iPads. They explained how and why the iPads are beginning to revolutionize the classroom. The teachers appreciated the help and the gifts of the iPads and are determined to integrate technology into their classroom! Both communities, St. Mary's and DeSales's Education Department, will work together to help with the process and transform the learning process in St. Mary's Primary School! 

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