Friday, May 31, 2013

An End To An Amazing Week

This morning was very emotional for the school and our group. It was our last day with the students. We attempted to hold back tears as we said goodbye to the class and continued to thank them for welcoming us. We had prepared gift bags for the children and teachers. We gave everyone American flags and the students proudly waved it in the air. 

The school was kind enough to organize a trip for us to parliament in the afternoon! We had a tour of parliament which included access to the National Council of Provinces and the assembly room. We even had the opportunity to sit in on the National Assembly Chamber Debate on Vote 33: Rural Development and Land Reform! That does not always happen! Usually the tours are done on days the assembly is not debating. We were able to see how debates are conducted and the ability for the citizens of South Africa to sit in and listen to the debate. 

This is Parliament Street! 

Here is our tour guide, who also happens to be a former school teacher! She guided us into the National Council of Provinces. She explained to us the function and the process of making laws in South Africa. There are 9 provincial delegations and each has 10 members. They ultimately decide what to vote on depending on its influence on their province. 

After the parliament tour, we returned to the school and the teachers surprised us with gifts! Many students wrote letters for us and gave us many pictures. We will really miss them and will carry the memories with us. It has been a pleasure meeting them and see the drive, joy and energy they carry. 

After school, our group took the hop on tour bus, the blue route, which took us to a vineyard. The teachers planned on meeting us there. We would be spending time with them and learning more about the school. 

Some of us were hungry and stopped at a restaurant. We ate amazing food at Simon's! 

We were enjoying the view surrounding the winery. It seems the beauty of South Africa is all around us. This may be one of the top things we miss of South Africa! 

We had so much fun with the teachers! It was another memorable experience for us. Thank you teachers and principal!

As we say goodbye to the teachers, we felt we accomplished most of our goals. We were able to fundraise for the iPads and projectors. We have developed a relationship with the school, teachers and students. We will be leaving South Africa with such great memories and hope we can continue to maintain a relationship with St. Mary's. 

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