Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Teach and Learn

St. Mary's has welcomed us with open arms and have been so kind to us. They provided us with breakfast and lunch! 

Grades R to 3rd grade had an assembly today that focused on the religious songs they are to know. The students really can carry a tune! It was a great opportunity to see the classes and schedule of the school. 

The children of St. Mary's have shown us their many talents. It was just time to have one of our own show her talent. Emma was a wonderful teacher to the fifth graders and taught them a cha cha lesson! The children were very excited to learn from one of the best! Although they had a few challenges, they learned in a matter of minutes! 

Today was a new day to learn more and more of the similarities and differences American and South African schools have in common. For example, in third grade, cursive handwriting is introduced and is a component of the curriculum. The difference between the countries is the actual formation of the letters! An x in South African cursive looks like the Chanel designer logo, c's connected on opposite sides. Again, we are learning so much in the schools and are so happy to connect with the teachers and students! 

We also had the opportunity to meet an artist who believes it is important to integrate the South African culture into doll manufacturing. She has made a doll that represents the image of a South African girl. The doll even sings a lullybye in a native language and English! Here is another example of the significance of demonstrating and teaching others your culture. 

Tonight's event was a play at the University of Cape Town! The university was beautiful! We went to their theatre to see Long Street Nights, about the infamous street in Cape Town. The play features the reality of location, involving hopes, dreams and ultimately, reality. We were amazed to see such great artists performing. It was an experience we will never forget. 

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