
Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Return

It has been a month now that we have been back in the U.S. We have returned to family, friends, work and school. Yet the trip to South Africa remains within us. We remember the students we met, the teachers who have influenced our teaching, and the views that remind us of God's blessings. We are very fortunate to have gone to South Africa and seen what we have seen. 

As we remember the past, we look forward to the future. We look forward to continuing our relationship with St. Mary's Primary School. We wish to create an organization within DeSales University's Education Department to continue international service. We also hope to experience similar travels in the near future and continue to learn more about education, cultures and learn more about ourselves.

We would like to wish Nelson Mandela a happy 95th birthday. We hope his health continues to improve. He continues to be in our prayers and we hope he has a quick recovery. 

Today also marks the fourth year anniversary of Nelson Mandela International Day, which began in 2009. Mandela day is dedicated to service. Mandela served 67 years for social justice and in his honor, individuals are asked to do community service or help their community for 67 minutes. 

So everyone go on out and serve your community! 

We would like to say thank you again to the sponsors, family, friends, and colleagues who have helped us along this wonderful journey. We are fortunate to have such great support and this journey could not have been as successful without your help. 

Thank you! 

We would also like to say thank you to Dr. Rance-Roney, Sister John Marie and Dr. Vogel for being great advisers on this trip. They have provided great memories and unforgettable moments for us. We could not have asked for better professors to join us on this adventure! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We're home!

We just made it to JFK airport! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

On Our Way Home

We are getting ready to head out to the airport in Capetown! Our flight is scheduled at 3:50 pm and we will arrive on Johannesburg. We will then board the flight from Johannesburg to JFK at 9:10. We should arrive at 10:30 at DSU. See you then! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Almost there...

It's our last full day in Cape Town! Today was a free day for last minute shopping and more sightseeing.

One of the groups decided to stop at the Castle of Good Hope. This castle is about 20 minutes from the backpack! It was the main stronghold of the Dutch East Indian Company during their occupation of the Cape. We took a tour and learned the history surrounding the castle. We even saw the key ceremony at noon! 

After the Castle of Good Hope, we stopped at the flower market. There are so many flowers that can only be found in South Africa. We decided to buy Dr. Rance-Roney, Sister John Marie and Dr. Vogel protea flowers to thank them for their effort and hard work in organizing this trip. We really had an amazing time with them and could not have asked for a better team. 

We then walked over to the Green Market and shopped with our remaining money. We braved the rain and got so many things! 

We walked back to the backpack and went through Bo-kaap. This area is home to bright and pastel houses. After the apartheid, many wanted to express themselves and use colors that were once prohibited. 

Tonight's dinner was at a Tex-Mex restaurant. We reflected about the end of our trip and enjoyed each other's company. We gave them the flowers and they loved it!

As we end our time here in South Africa, we thank those who have supported our trip. We have enjoyed our time here and look forward to seeing our family, friends and loved ones and share our experiences. We thank those who have followed our journey through this blog. Thank you again. South Africa was more than what we expected and we wish to return again! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Is That Really Hail?

Today is our last weekend in Cape Town! We decided to go to the South African Jewish Museum. Our schedule shifted a bit as we waited for it to stop raining to begin our day!

We braved the rain and wind and walked to the museum and got there without being soaked! 

In the museum we were able to see the historical influences Jewish individuals had in South Africa. 

We also saw a 30 minute documentary of Nelson Mandela and his relationship with Jews who helped him on his road to freedom. We could see the praise Mandela had and the need to thank them. He wanted to give them recognition, which is why he helped create the muesum. 

The museum also featured a Holocaust Centre. This part of the museum made us think back to the District Six Muesum we visited the past week. Different countries and time periods yet the holocaust and apartheid remind us of racial discrimination and what was done because of it. Jews and blacks had experienced similar experiences and this is why Nelson Mandela influenced Jews to help free blacks. 

There is also a section that explained the refuge Jews found in South Africa. Many even settled in Cape Town, a fact we were unaware of.

Reading these two boards makes us realize the need to learn more of each other. The need to love and accept. We hope to teach each other the past in order to continue moving forward for a better tomorrow. 

We were lucky to be inside the muesum when we saw how hard it was raining! 

If you look closely, it was hailing! The weather of Cape Town has many surprises! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Today was spent in Koolenhof which is 40 minutes from Cape Town and meet the oblate sisters. When we arrived, the oblate  sisters received us with a warm welcome! They came to greet us with a song and we joined along! 

Sister John Marie was so happy to see us once again and share her experience. She has been looking forward to this day for months and is happy to see and  spend time with the oblate sisters. 

The sisters took us to Wallacedene which is a township they service. They have their church there and help the residents of the township. 

This is the church the oblate sisters service. It also houses the catechism classes for the children. 

The sisters told us they have had many hardships with the church and are proud to announce their start of a new construction site for a new church building!

We then went to a market for a visit. We saw the many vendors as well as live chickens! We were able to see their supermarkets there as well. The line was extremely long! Many families have one day off of work and Saturdays are it. They must form a line to use an ATM which can also take many hours to reach the machine and then form a line to enter the store. Many attempt to arrive before the store opens and be able to have a chance to get their groceries before the food stock is gone. We were surprised to see such a line because we have so many stores in America and waiting for an hour is more likely to happen of its a holiday. But on a regular basis, this would be unheard of! 

When we returned, the sisters had prepared a lunch for us and decorated the area where we were gathering together. It was such a beautiful arrangement. 

The sisters prepared lunch when we arrived! They really put a lot of effort in preparing it for us. We were so thankful!

We couldn't wait to try the food! It all looked so good! Just look how excited we are! 

We were really enjoying the food! 

As we were eating, the sisters talked to us about apartheid and what that meant for many of them. One sister said she remembers she wasn't able to go take a bus with a white sister and was ordered to get off the bus and stand in the cold until someone picked her up. Luckily, inside the convent the sisters would not be segregated and enjoyed the company of each other regardless of color.  

We learned so much. We were able to define what colored and black meant in South Africa. For Americans, both words are similar yet in South Africa colored means a mixed blood line, white and black parents. A black person would mean both parents are black. 

The sisters wanted to show us a PowerPoint but they experienced some technical difficulties. So they decided to sing and dance! 
Sister John Marie even joined in on the dancing! She was enjoying herself! Just look at her smile! We were so happy to share such happiness with the sisters. 

Many of us joined in on the fun!

Have you ever seen Sister John Marie so happy!? We have many photos of her dancing, laughing and smiling. After all the goals she reached, we are so happy to see Sister happy. We really are lucky to have her be a part of our team! 

We are in South Africa and again we see the joy that many have singing and dancing! It's a cultural thing we must take to America! 

We finally were able to get the PowerPoint working. We learned of the mission in South Africa and what they have accomplished. They have done amazing work. They have helped their community and reached out to each member. We are blessed to have meet them and see those who have created a better South Africa. 

Sister could not leave without a last dance. We think she had more fun than anyone else! We will have to return again soon! 

We left Koolenhof with a blessed heart. We had such a wonderful day with the oblate sisters and could not have asked for more. We will always remember them and share the visions they have for a better South Africa and world. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

An End To An Amazing Week

This morning was very emotional for the school and our group. It was our last day with the students. We attempted to hold back tears as we said goodbye to the class and continued to thank them for welcoming us. We had prepared gift bags for the children and teachers. We gave everyone American flags and the students proudly waved it in the air. 

The school was kind enough to organize a trip for us to parliament in the afternoon! We had a tour of parliament which included access to the National Council of Provinces and the assembly room. We even had the opportunity to sit in on the National Assembly Chamber Debate on Vote 33: Rural Development and Land Reform! That does not always happen! Usually the tours are done on days the assembly is not debating. We were able to see how debates are conducted and the ability for the citizens of South Africa to sit in and listen to the debate. 

This is Parliament Street! 

Here is our tour guide, who also happens to be a former school teacher! She guided us into the National Council of Provinces. She explained to us the function and the process of making laws in South Africa. There are 9 provincial delegations and each has 10 members. They ultimately decide what to vote on depending on its influence on their province. 

After the parliament tour, we returned to the school and the teachers surprised us with gifts! Many students wrote letters for us and gave us many pictures. We will really miss them and will carry the memories with us. It has been a pleasure meeting them and see the drive, joy and energy they carry. 

After school, our group took the hop on tour bus, the blue route, which took us to a vineyard. The teachers planned on meeting us there. We would be spending time with them and learning more about the school. 

Some of us were hungry and stopped at a restaurant. We ate amazing food at Simon's! 

We were enjoying the view surrounding the winery. It seems the beauty of South Africa is all around us. This may be one of the top things we miss of South Africa! 

We had so much fun with the teachers! It was another memorable experience for us. Thank you teachers and principal!

As we say goodbye to the teachers, we felt we accomplished most of our goals. We were able to fundraise for the iPads and projectors. We have developed a relationship with the school, teachers and students. We will be leaving South Africa with such great memories and hope we can continue to maintain a relationship with St. Mary's.